The societal chakra of action is about how our nation works with other nations. In this section we will focus specifically on war. For this, we can apply 3 major principles:

1.    We must obey international law

2.    We may unilaterally strike back at any group that attacks our country first 

3.    We may work with the international community to prevent a humanitarian crisis such as a genocide. Multilateral force can be used if diplomacy fails.

Why is this chakra broken?

However, war comes at a serious cost to millions of people in our country and around the world. With the diminishing US economy in 1971, Nixon made a deal with Saudi Arabia to give them weapons and security f they were to buy and sell oil using the US dollar. This meant countries had to stock up on US dollars to buy oil from Saudi Arabia, making the US dollar strong and in high demand. Nixon removed the US currency off the gold standard and tied it to oil prices. As a results, the US economy boomed. For countries that try to nationalize their oil or free themselves from the petrodollar, the US government has a long history of taking the following steps:

1.     Apply economic pressure to destabilize the region

2.    Stage a military coup to topple the government

3.    Justify the act under the guise of humanitarianism or fighting terrorism. Don’t believe these fake calls for protecting Democracy, the US backs 73 % of the world’s dictatorships

Why does this keep happening? Once again the answer is corruption. Lobbyists and special interest groups from the oil industry can buy politicians and press them to protect their business. Additionally, President Eisenhower famously warned us of the military-industrial complex, the relationship between the military and weapons manufacturers. These groups have their own lobbyists and special interest groups to buy politicians. Throw in corporate media, who stands to benefit from sensational stories that come from war, and now you have a system where war is profitable for many powerful groups. However, war comes at a serious cost to millions of people in our country and around the world.

How the US jacks natural resources and stays in endless wars

The aftermath of US imperialism

After all of this, there’s only one thing left to say: END THE WARS

Learn more

Secular Talk: Trump keeps admitting to war crimes

Brown University: The human toll of the post-9/11 wars