We are all susceptible to various illnesses, from the common cold and the flu to cancer and depression. These sicknesses can be random, painful, and devastating. When we are well physically, mentally, and emotionally, we have the ability to learn, grow, tend to our responsibilities, and contribute to society. Therefore, not only is healthcare a human right, it also makes economic sense.

Why is this chakra broken?

Source: OECD Health Statistics 2016

How do we cover everyone?

Why is Medicare for All the obvious choice?

Capitalism works when competition drives people to work harder, more efficiently, or provide more reliable service. We want doctors to compete for patients to get the best healthcare service. However, nobody cares about competition among healthcare coverage providers, so the concept of health insurance makes no sense. Let’s get rid of it. Here’s what will happen if we do:

What about the current medical debt?

We shouldn’t just look toward the future, we should also turn around and help those who are currently suffering from a disastrous health care system. Bernie Sanders has a separate bill to cancel all $81 billion in medical debt. This will provide millions of individuals and families with the relief they desperately need, allowing them to contribute to the economy.

Who supports Medicare for All?

The current Medicare program is massively popular at close to 90 % favorability among people aged 65+. 70 % of all Americans are in favor of Medicare for All, including 52 % of Republicans.This plan is championed by Bernie Sanders, who wrote the damn bill and is the only one I trust on this issue. Be wary of other politicians, who have co-opted the term “Medicare for All” but are actually for a public option.

Source: Reuters Investigates Aug 2018

Learn more

Rational National: Why Medicare for All is the answer

Secular Talk: Why a public option is not the answer

Humanist Report: Bernie wants to cancel all medical debt